Changes at Ilula

Changes at Ilula 20Jan2020

Many of us have witnessed the changes at Ilula over the past many years but I get this optimistic feeling that the improvements are coming more rapidly now.

Several highlights:
1. Advancement of the culture of learning: Ilula opened a 3yr clinical officer school to compliment the recently upgraded diploma level nursing school. They even have an administrative intern here.
2. Addition of internet based learning: a wide screen video screen is used in the morning report room to hold televised lectures for the staff. Today’s seminar was on the introduction of a finger stick POC rapid HIV test
3. Addition of hand washing stations (using hand sanitizer) outside each ward.
4. Lab test results are now entered into the electronic medical record for the outpatient dept.
5. Adequate medical officer staffing: they now have 8 medical officers at Ilula ( they had 9 but one, a 32yr old, is on leave after a diagnosis of breast cancer). They routinely have 2 M.O.s do ward rounds and 2 do maternity rounds.
6. Addition of an electrical transformer (supported by STS) to provide stable electrical power.
7. Petro Lusassi will be starting his pshychiatry internship and will return to Ilula in 2021 to begin a mental health program at Ilula.

Plans are in place (including architecture drawings and cost estimates) to build a new Reproductive and Child Health clinic just outside the Ilula front gate to allow easier access for women and children to receive routine care. This will allow for expansion of the existing space to be one large 70bed expanded/renovated maternity ward.

We are confidant that we will reach our goal of providing an X-ray machine at ilula this year



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